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Four Biggest Kitchen Regrets Every Homeowners Make

Without professional guidance, most of homeowners end up regretting their kitchen renovation. Sometimes, we consider aesthetics so much that we forget to consider helpful functionalities for our cookhouses. Here’s a breakdown of the top most common kitchen regrets and hopefully you would be able to avoid them.


1. Building only base cabinets ❌

Homeowners tend to oversee base cabinets and they care less about building overhead cabinets. Maybe due to the budget restrictions, having the idea of including a hard-to-reach storage space tends to be excluded. One thing is that some homeowners believe that they don’t need overhead cabinets anymore, since they only have a small family – only to find out that they still need more storage spaces for their items.


✔️ We agree that overhead cabinets are indeed harder to reach and clean. What is a subtle surprise is that having this is still recommended – as it does not take up any actual floor space! You can have more storage spaces like this Classic Country Kitchen for your frequently used items to ease workflow.


2. Insufficient Electrical Points ❌

Did you know that your kitchen requires more electricity than any other room in your home?
Based on the National Building Code, every kitchen should stipulate an ample amount of electrical circuits around it. Today, most owners sacrifice this function and later realize that they need it the most – especially now that smart homes are emerging.


✔️ Given that electric points are getting more and more necessary, considering additional electric sockets installed in a kitchen can help you easily move in your kitchen space. Like this Astra Kitchen that has a movable power track – so you won’t have to transfer your appliances from one place to another.  More than that, you can always have the chance to add more sockets in case you decide to add more appliances in your kitchen area, that’s the great power of power tracks! Its flexible configuration makes it the top choice for the homeowners. If you worry about its carrying capacity, power track sockets are just as good as traditional sockets when it comes to delivering electricity. Adding movable tracks can save you not just time in waiting for one appliance to finish, but help you save a lot of cost by not changing your power source regularly.


3. Not adding Backsplash ❌

Homeowners believe that backsplashes are not needed. In fact, it is so underrated that many kitchen renovation projects don’t require it anymore. Backsplash is highly suggested as it lowers the maintenance cost for kitchen walls and is more sanitary in the long because backsplash material is easier to clean.


✔️ If you don’t want oil spills, sticky greases, and kitchen dirt splatters, consider having backsplash in your kitchen area. Backsplash helps protect your kitchen walls from deterioration and it limits maintenance visits. Not just that, it gives aesthetic value to a plain wall, as seen in this Carrara Kitchen, engineered quartz is used for the backsplash.


4. Limited Drawer Storages ❌

The kitchen is now more than just a place where food is prepared and stored; being the room in the house that receives the greatest traffic, it serves as the social center of the house – and not just a place for cooking.Over time, kitchens have transformed into impromptu study places, coffee stops, nightclubs, living rooms, and temporary offices. They occupy a little portion of the kitchen in the modern home, increasing its need for a tidy, neat space to store. Drawer spaces are just the best storage space you need to get items easier.  But what more can you do if you have limited drawer spaces?


✔️ Consulting a designer before your kitchen renovation will always be the best, making sure that every little space in your kitchen area will be used effectively. Designers always propose helpful kitchen design choices: type of wood, type of handle, and so much more. Storages that are harder to reach keep the kitchen workflow inefficient and take more time for you to finish. To avoid this, consider adding more drawers that are best for easy-to-reach items on your base cabinet. There are a lot of kinds of drawers, one of our favorites is this modern design Commonwealth Kitchen, a unique kitchen design that might suit your personality.


We all have our own lifestyle and personality that need to reflect in our kitchen design, and not all of the regrets mentioned above may apply to you. The easiest approach? Plan on how you will use the kitchen and work hand in hand with an interior designer that has comprehensive experience in kitchen designing.

Ideal Home is composed of professional architects and interior designers that can help you from planning, designing, fabrication, up to the installation phase. You can send us a “Hi!” through this link.